Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Do you have any questions? We have the answers!

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Questions and answers for our customers

Contact us at 0848 217 883 / or fill in the online request form. We receive your information and immediately start searching for a suitable mum for you, without obligation and free of charge. The search takes a maximum of 24 hours (3-5 days for children). Once we have the right mum for you we will arrange an initial meeting where you can get to know each other and discuss all the details such as the specifications, times, duration of the projects, handover of keys etc. directly with the mum. Before the meeting you will receive the entire documentation together with the contract from us. At this initial meeting you can already agree on the first visit – and off you go!

No. You only need to provide the mum with access to your home. You are welcome to leave a key in your letterbox on the day of the visit, or the mum will come when you are at home. During key handover, please use the key receipt from your customer set.

As the customer, you decide how many hours you want per visit, as well as the frequency. Only the minimum duration of 2 hours per visit must be adhered to, otherwise the mum’s journey would not be commensurate with the amount of work to be done. You are also free to choose the frequency, but in order to reserve the same mum for you it must be regular, therefore every week, every 2 weeks or once a month. The frequency every 3 weeks is not possible because it is not regular (in one month it is the 3rd week, in the following the 2nd week of the month). If you only need someone on an irregular basis, you can also book individual cleaning services: For example, we can book a mum for this week, then again in 4 weeks and then again in 2 weeks – entirely according to your needs. We do not perform one-off cleaning services or house moving cleaning services. If your workload is very irregular you have to book at least 2 cleaning services. For each assignment we have a trial period of one month. This means that you can book someone and try them out them for a month without obligation. If you decide against taking up the service, you can stop it without notice. However, you can change your mum at any time if you are not satisfied with the quality, move house or simply wish to change the day and therefore changing mum becomes necessary.

When awarding the contract, you provide us with 2 to 3 suggested dates for an initial meeting in order for us to agree on a suitable date with the mum. Since the evening after work is more convenient for most customers, we can also arrange an initial meeting from 6pm or sometimes even on weekends. The initial meeting lasts only 10 to 15 minutes: To be discussed here is how the key handover will be arranged, agreeing on the duration and frequency and showing the particularities of the home. If the initial meeting is in the evening, no subsequent cleaning is carried out. However, if the initial meeting is during the day, the mum can subsequently start with the work there and then.

The cancellation period is one month and cancellation can be given at any time at the end of the month.

The trial period is one month. During this time you can try out the service and terminate it without notice.

Mamiexpress seeks to facilitate access between employees and customers in industries where bureaucratic or legal barriers make access difficult. We want to create a win-win solution in which the customer price is one of the lowest in the market thanks to the lowest possible administration costs, even though our wages are the highest in the industry.

Mamiexpress supports the philosophy of the least possible administration to keep prices low despite the highest wages in the industry. Therefore we also want you to discuss everything to the greatest extent possible directly with the mum. As a matter of course, we are at your disposal at any time.Selbstverständlich stehen wir Ihnen aber jederzeit zur Verfügung.

In the case of a standing order, normally a duration and frequency are agreed (e.g. 2 to 3 hours each week on Thursday). However, if you have an additional job, such as windows to be cleaned or additional clothes to be ironed, and the mum has to come for longer or even on another day, this is of course possible. This must, however, be clarified with the mum beforehand; otherwise she cannot guarantee that she will be able to stay longer on the day as she has other customers/appointments.

All our employees have compulsory employee insurance and are therefore covered by social insurance (AHV, EO, IV, ALV) and SUVA accident insurance. In addition, all our mums are insured with CSS for daily sickness allowance and can join our AXA Winterthur pension fund from an annual salary of CHF 20,880. Furthermore, all our employees benefit from various subsidies and allowances for further training. We of course also have business liability insurance for damages. Interflexio AG is a member of the general employment contract of the cleaning industry (PK) as well as holder of the personnel hire permit according to AVG of the Zurich Office of Economics and Labour.

No. As a customer of Mamiexpress you receive a service and are not an employer. All insurance is through us. Only in the case of childcare must the customer take out liability insurance for the child.

Cleaning agents shall be provided by the customer, but you do not have to buy industrial cleaning agents, standard products from the retail trade will do the job. The mum would be happy to help you out when choosing the products. The essentials should include the following: Descaling agent, toilet cleaner, grease remover, oven cleaner, glass cleaner, all- purpose cleaner, 2 to 3 non-scratching sponges, 4 to 8 cleaning cloths, bucket, mop and vacuum cleaner.

Payment is always made by invoice. After receiving the monthly work reports, the monthly invoices are prepared and sent to you. In order to minimise paper consumption and make our contribution to environmental protection, we always send invoices by e-mail. However, if you prefer postal delivery, please do not hesitate to inform us. You can pay by bank transfer, Mastercard, Visa, PostFinance Card or PostFinance e-finance.

Our mums will report such damage to our head office on the same day. We will then contact you for all the details to arrange compensation. But something may also happen without the mum noticing it, we may therefore not receive a report from her. In case of damage, please contact our customer service within 24 hours after the mum's visit ( or 0848 217 883). In order to simplify the subsequent procedure, please document the damage with photos and indicate the age and price of the damaged object.

For standing orders (regular service with contract) the price is CHF 37.49 per hour, for one-off visits without contract CHF 39 per hour. The prices exclude VAT, but include all expenses for insurance and administration. You are the recipient of a service and therefore have no obligations as an employer. A regular visit with at least 4 hours per month is regarded as a regular assignment, otherwise the one-off rate will be charged for repeated service. Please note that we charge a one-off flat rate of CHF 10 per intervention.

The nanny does not bring anything with her for childcare. Provide her with the necessary nappies, bibs and dummies as well as your child’s favourite toys to ensure that the childcare with an unfamiliar person runs smoothly.

For all services except childcare we offer a replacement. But please bear in mind that in case of illness we cannot always find a suitable replacement mum within 24 hours. Regarding childcare, holidays are arranged with the parents; in the case of illness, a replacement cannot always be organised, since the child must be accustomed to the caregiver.

If you are not satisfied with the mum or have comments about her work, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will happily pass on your wishes or replace the mum.

Our mums all have impeccable references and years of experience, but they are only human and can make mistakes. Your satisfaction is our top priority. If the cleaning is not to your complete satisfaction, don’t hesitate to inform us. If your complaint concerns the cleaning service, please inform us within 24 hours of the mum’s visit. In case of quality complaints we require information on the size of your home, the service to be carried out and a photograph showing the reason for the complaint. Report the problem to us within 24 hours by e-mail (, phone (0848 217 883) or contact form. We will then take care of your request without delay.

Mamiexpress not only takes care of all personnel administration matters for you, but also personnel selection. Our strict selection procedure is constantly being developed so that we can always provide you with the right candidate. In the case of childcare, however, you will receive a profile prior to the initial meeting, since it is not only objective characteristics that are important here. All our mums have to go through a strict selection procedure and induction process: An application with impeccable references, years of experience, a personal interview and reference information, impeccable reputation (criminal record), training from the Mamiexpress Academy. During her first replacement visits, the future mum is inducted and accompanied by a supervisory mum before she can work for us on her own.

No. The agency is closed on public holidays and the mums are likewise not at work. Should your visit fall on a public holiday it will not take place. Under certain circumstances it is possible to rearrange the visit, but due to the weekly schedule this cannot always be guaranteed. The public holidays depend on where you live.

You can book a mum round the clock – either via the website or our app. We usually process your request within 24 hours. Please bear in mind that the head office is open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm, therefore we can only process the final confirmation then. The normal working hours of the mums are Monday to Saturday from 8am to 6pm. On request, the weekend can be booked as well. For childcare and office cleaning, however, the normal working hours are extended to 10pm without a premium. We do not work on Sundays or public holidays, except upon explicit request from the client – in this case we will be happy to organise a mum for you for the weekend as well. On Sundays and public holidays, there is a public holiday bonus for the mums due to the 50 percent wage bonus that is obligatory on such days. In the case of special visits which can only be carried out on such days, a different rate from the normal hourly rate can be agreed in consultation with the mum. Please contact us about this.

Of course, you can give the mum a gift or a tip directly. You must not, however, give her money in return for her services, as this would constitute illegal employment.

Questions and answers about childcare

Childminders employed by us are insured against public liability and accidents at work. If the childminder works more than eight hours a week, she is also insured against non-occupational accidents.

Parents are responsible for their child's health and accident insurance. We have a collective liability insurance for the childminders we employ. This means that the childminder is insured against third parties for the actions of the children cared for, so long as they are in her care. The childminder is also insured against the children cared for. Not insured are injuries to children occurring among each other and injuries caused to the childminder by children. These damages are covered by the parents’ liability insurance.

No. Unless this point is specifically addressed in the employment contract. The care times agreed with the parents apply. These of course also apply to parents. However, by mutual agreement and with the consent of both parties, the care hours may be changed.

If the child is absent, the care must nevertheless be paid for. If the cancellation lasts longer than 2 weeks and is reported in good time, you can claim a deduction.

Care during the school holidays is agreed between the parents and the childminder. It should be addressed in the care and employment contract. The childminder is entitled to the holidays and public holidays prescribed by law. Holiday compensation is included in the hourly wage. According to the provisions of the OR §329a, every childminder is entitled to at least four weeks holiday.

Please make use of the initial meeting and our checklist to discuss all important details regarding upbringing, illness, allergies and eating & sleeping habits with the nanny. Don't forget to note down the emergency number in the contract and in the checklist. Also discuss outdoor activities with the nanny.

If you bring food for your child, you do not have to pay any food expenses, otherwise the carer will take care of the shopping and note this in the report.

Nappies and care supplies must be provided by the parents. If the child is cared for in the childcare worker’s house there will be a range of basic toys. But we recommend bringing along your child’s favourite toy.

Care at the customer's home: CHF 37.49 per hour excluding VAT Care at the customer's home from 10pm (overnight rate): CHF 40 per hour excluding VAT Overnight flat rate (sleeping nanny): CHF 200 excluding VAT Care at the nanny's home: CHF 13 per hour per child, excluding VAT (see offer Food expenses per child and per meal: CHF 6.50 excluding VAT

Questions and answers for our employees

Send your application documents together with references to

You must have impeccable references and at least 3 years of industry experience. Your criminal record and two references will also be checked.

Yes, in this case simply write RAV at the top of your report. Your interim earnings form will subsequently be sent to you together with the pay slip.

Yes, from a fixed monthly income of approximately CHF 1500 you join our AXA Winterthur pension fund.

No, the customer provides everything (cleaning agents, children’s toys, products, etc.). You only need to bring gloves, work shoes and an apron or appropriate work clothing.

You can inform the customer directly or contact us so that the product can be replaced.

Yes, the use of bleach or yellow-green (possibly pink-green) sponges is prohibited. Neither products are suitable for cleaning.

Yes, AHV recipients can earn up to a certain amount without having deductions in their AHV pension.

No. Our normal working hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. Initial meetings or one-off assignments may, however, take place in the evening or on weekends (Saturday), but only with your consent. We do not work on Sundays or other public holidays.

Under Downloads you can download new reports at any time.

You are insured against accidents at work from the first hour of work and independent of your workload. If an accident occurs outside of work, you are also covered for non-occupational accidents from a workload of 8 hours per week.

Inform us and your customers immediately and submit a medical certificate. The certificate must be dated and must not bear the statement 'until further notice'. CSS will contact you by telephone in order to clarify any questions in connection with the performance test. If necessary, CSS will ask your attending physician for a report with all relevant information.

Inform us as soon as possible so that all your customers can be informed. In this way, your work can be adapted to your state of health in good time. Prior to giving birth, incapacity for work is considered an illness and is settled by means of the daily sickness allowance insurance. After giving birth, you will receive maternity compensation from the SVA amounting to 80% of your average salary for 14 weeks.

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